Pokemon Demented Blue

Several years back, I was driving past a flea market. As usual, I was interested to see what kind of stuff they would have there. I remember back to my childhood of playing Pokemon on my Gameboy. I pulled into the flea market, and the first thing I saw was an entire 4 gallon bin full of gameboy games, and a gameboy. I asked the seller how much he wanted for the entire thing and he offered 15 dollars. He obviously didn't know anything about what it was worth, he probably got them from his son or something. Naturally, I was exited to go home and see what games would be inside. The first game that caught my attention was a blue cartridge. THE blue cartridge. I had found Pokemon Blue, the game I had played countless hours as a child. I started the game up, to find that there was already a game saved. That was pretty weird, because most of the time, the save battery dies by this time. I saw that this game had been played for 400 hours. I imagined that this must have belonged to some diehard Pokemon player. The player's name was "Blue", the default name. The game was complete, so I wanted to see what Pokemon he had on his team. When I went to check, I was met with a surprise. All of the Pokemons' nicknames were "Blue", and they all shared the overworld trainer sprite. When I closed the Pokemon menu, my sprite had been turned into a Pikachu overworld sprite. I was confused, but I just expected it to be a glitch. After walking around in some tall grass, a text box appeared. It was blank at first, but it slowly spelled out, "H E L P M E". I didn't know what this meant, but being a Pokemon fan, I wanted to keep playing. The text box appeared again in Lavender Town. This time, it spelled out, "S T A Y A W A Y". Suddenly, a Squirtle sprite appeared in the middle of the screen. "You have forgotten about me, BLUE". I was starting to be a little freaked out. "I know it's you." I pulled out the cartidge and flipped it over. To my surprise, I saw my initials on the back. This was the game that I had played for hours as a kid. "I'm sorry." I said to the gameboy. "I should never have left you in the box". A few seconds later, another text box appeared. "I forgive you." It lasted a few seconds before the game crashed. When I restarted the gameboy, my save file was gone. I began to cry. My Squirtle had been killed, and it was all my fault. I should never have let him collect dust. My grades slowly started falling, and my life was falling apart. I started a new save file, and the only thing that could cheer me up, is Squirtle's cry in battle.